28 Chikatla Laharisha

3rd semester


We have been given an assignment to review and analyse the previous assignments and elogs


I reviewed Nagatarun,roll no.27 assignment.He Did it very well.He took 10 different cases,one from each branch.He studied the assignments thoroughly and presented the answers in a neat manner.He also suggested some points that are not given in the case which can be appreciated.He highlighted main points in each case.especially,In an infectious disease case he highlighted  two points .one is on diabetes and other is on amphoterin b which is quite different and very effective.overall he made the assignment in a systemic way.


I did not make a elog yet.I will post it as soon as it is done.


Acute kidney infection:
A 58 year old male came tocasualty with chief complaints of fever, burning micturition, dribbling of urine, low backache during lifting of weights,low abdominal pain
The above assignment is well made in a systematic way .But the investigation reports are not in a clear manner,which can be hard to understand.

Chronic kidney disease(acute):
This is a case if chronic kidney disease.
A 75 year old male patient with lower back ache,, dribbling of urine,SOB
The case is presented in a coherent manner.All examinations are noted clearly from system to system.The diagnosis is mentioned clearly which is intrinsic acute kidney disease..The treatment is given according to the timeline and the patients condition is monitored and presented in the elog which is effective.

Patient with coma and renal failure:
A 52-year-old man presented to the OPD with Cheif Complaints of abdominal distension from the past 7 days.
The general examination showed pitting type of edema.

The evaluation of all systems and investigations are done properly which led to the diagnosis of INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS.The treatment plan is given in date wise which shows that they monitored patients condition very well and presented in a understandable way.

Patients with AKI:
The above cases are very well studied and presented.The evaluation of symptomatology is very effective in All the three cases.There are some glitches which can be elaborated.Overall,the presentations are good and effective.

Patients with acute on CKD:
48-Year-old male presented to the OPD with chief complaints of Shortness of Breath grade -II from the past 1 week, which converted into grade -III-IV from the past 4 days .
The examinations and investigations are presented in a systematic manner which is wsy to understand.There is no confusion in the investigations,so the diagnosis can be reached without any glitches.The treatment is also given in a appreciable manner.

It is sudden in onset, primarily reversible. Generally, the patients come to OPD with c/o oliguria, lower abdominal pain, decrease in urine output with burning micturition, SOB, fever, vomitings- bilious, pedal edema in bilateral lower limb pitting type. It can be identified by serum creatinine levels O/e it shows low albumin levels, with normal hemoglobin concentration, not associated with anemia [rarely anemia can be noticed], normal lipid profile. Sometimes AKI are associated with other diseases like hepatomegaly, pancreatitis, CHF. Renal transplantation is not required, the patient should be on dialysis for a short period of time.

It is sudden in onset, predominantly irreversible. General c/o of patients are muscle aches, fever, generalized weakness, vomitings- non-bilious, normal or increased urinary output [polyuria], no pedal edema [if associated with pedal edema there is periorbital edema too which indicates severe kidney damage], SOB- absent. O/e size of the kidney is reduced, hemoglobin concentration decreased, anemia is seen, marked changes in lipid profile [decreased HDL, increased LDL, TG]. Renal transplantation is necessary, dialysis- required repeatedly.

Sudden fall in GFR is diagnosed as acute kidney disease, nevertheless, some pt has pre-existing kidney injury leading to CKD.

                       This is my second monthly assignment.For the first one,I am a little confused,but for this one we learned a lot while studying our peers assignments,we are learning alot through these assignments.As we have only online postings things are hard to understand but these assignments made them easier,I am also able to learn about diagnosis treatment of Various diseases though everything is not clear.I am able to learn patient history taking,general examination and doctor patient relationship,what are all needed to reach a diagnosis.I am able to omit the remaining ones.This assignment helped in various ways during this pandemic.


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